Software as a Service or Help as a Service?
SaaS vs. HaaS
Who else is tired of hearing the word SaaS, or Software-as-a-Service? We get it: you are charged a monthly fee for software that sometimes works and sometimes helps.
Don’t get me wrong. MRR and ARR are very important. But, are they more important than ensuring we help restauranteurs achieve growth daily, or monthly? There will be no MRR or ARR, to measure, if you aren’t helping your users achieve their targets.
I guess the better question is: How do we ensure success and growth for both parties?
Is success bringing on 100 users who aren’t really a good fit? Then, approaching Venture Capitalists and saying, “I have these companies signed for a year. Now, give me a trillion dollars!” The next step: Hire 50 sales reps, thinking that you are the next unicorn, only to have to fire half of them, after their first quarter!
As a CEO of a company which is growing, organically, I’m thinking about banning the SaaS word from our company. I look at it as HaaS – Help as a Service. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not a charity. But, I think it’s time for the word SaaS to be disrupted.
Hospitality Industry Knowledge:
I worked, for over 15 years, in the dish pit, behind the line, on the floor, etc. – If we are going to solve problems, we must understand the flow of restaurants, how they operate, and where they are getting stuck.
First off, I should mention that I am a Hardcore Salesperson, at heart, and have had the opportunity to learn from some of the best (more on that, in another post). That said, nothing turns me off more, than looking at a salesperson, across the table, trying to sell me a solution which I don’t need. I can’t focus on what they are saying because their smile is covering ALL of their face.
At this point, I’m thinking of two things:
What are they on?
I wish I had a pair of shades because their teeth are SOOO bright!
I usually exit the meeting, dreading the follow-up. This is why I always talk to The Team about HELPING.
This ties into my thoughts on margins:
· Restauranteurs work so hard, and margins are extremely tight. Why bother, if a Deliveroo or Uber Eats is going to take it all?
· Labor shortages. Restaurants are having trouble opening their doors because they don’t have staff.
· Technology. To grind it out in the kitchen, or in a restaurant, you have to really love food and provide your guests, with an amazing experience. This experience is what keeps your precious guests returning. On my trial kitchen shift, I was asked to make a lava cake from scratch; not build an integration or a website!
How do we HaaS?
Very simple. We understand what the industry is going through, and, we offer a variety of digital solutions which will help each vendor regain control of their business.
We don’t sell technology unless it will help. When we partner, we work to implement the solution and help them make the Direct-To-Consumer shift. This can consist of, but is not limited to, marketing materials, marketing campaigns, website building, and analytics.
Our secret sauce to success is building relationships with our vendors and being genuine.
Final Thoughts:
I love hanging out with my wife and our dog. However, there are few things better than bringing on new logos and closing deals with awesome partners.